ALUONTOP Nano-PVDF aluminium composite panel is anti-graffiti and self cleaning.
It is composed of a polyethylene core sandwiched between two 0.30mm aluminum skins.
Coming with hydrophobic surface, the Nano-PVDF ACP features good water and dirt resistance.
The protected object stays clean much longer and can be easily cleaned with pure water.
The lotus effect is the most distinguished characteristic of Nano-PVDF aluminium composite panel.
The same as lotus leaves, ALUONTOP Aluminium Composite Panel has high water repellency and the dirt on its surface can be easily cleaned away by a heavy rain.
WA :
Telepon : 021-5406790
Facebook : acp.aluontop
Instagram : @aluontop_id
Email : digitalmarketing.smb@gmail.com
PT. Semesta Makmur Bersama merupakan distributor ACP berkualitas terbaik dengan harga murah merek Aluontop dan Master Bond di Indonesia serta distributor acrylic sheet merek Adiwarna Mika.
Keunggulan ACP Aluontop :
- Garansi sampai 20 tahun.
- Tahan api.
- Warna yang bisa disesuaikan.
- Sertifikat ISO-9001 & ISO-14001.
- Sertifikat Green Building.
Video Youtube Nano Coating ACP Aluontop :
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